Rosalyn Davis, President Nominee

Area of specialization: Clinical/Counseling
Institutional affiliation: Indiana University Kokomo
Summary of professional interests:
My primary professional interests are in training of undergraduate and graduate students within the counseling spectrum. This means making sure that I stay abreast of changes in the discipline and adjust curriculum as needed to make sure they are being provided a well rounded education and can achieve their goals. I conduct and disseminate research with students and colleagues when possible within counseling, diversity and training. This includes serving as an editorial board member for The Counseling Psychologist. Additionally, I am focused on mentoring and diversity, equity and inclusion very broadly. Mentoring relationships allows for me to make stronger connections with students, colleagues and those that trained me and create opportunities for all of us to expand our networks and grow professionally. Finally, I am committed to making sure that we explore DEI from a number of perspectives so that we can share knowledge, overcome misunderstandings, and create inclusive spaces for each of us. Especially in these moments of hyperpolarization being able to have open and robust conversations keeps us connected to each other and able to find joint solutions to common problems.
Representative publications:
Davis, R. and Bowman, S. (Eds.). (2022). Overworked and undervalued: Black women and success in America. Lexington Books.
Clark, K., Davis, R., Holcomb, K. and Morgan, G. (2021) Undergraduate research across the psychology curriculum. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 21(1), 171-192.
Avant, N. D. & Davis, R. D. (2018). Navigating and supporting marginalized identities in dominant pharmacy spaces. Innovations in Pharmacy, 9(4).
Representative honors or awards:
- Awarded one of five inaugural 2022 Indiana University Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Luminary Awards
- Awarded 2021-2022 Amicus Award for Resident Faculty from IU Kokomo Student Government Association for connecting the real world to the courses I teach and attending to student mental health
- Awarded Virgil Hunt Service Award for the service work done for campus and the community
- Awarded Chancellor’s Diversity Award for service to campus and community in 2018 and 2019
Involvement in MPA:
Member since 2014, Council Member 2022-2024, Psi Chi program reviewer, presenter, moderator, local representative, Fellow 2024, bring students from university to MPA annually.