Frequently Asked Questions
When will submissions for the annual meeting be accepted?
The submission site will open on September 1, 2023.
When is the submission deadline?
The submission deadline is Wednesday, November 7th, 2023 at 11:59PM EST.
Do I need to be a member to submit? Do I need to register to submit?
No to both! You can submit without being a member and without registering.
Must I register for the Annual Meeting in order to present?
Yes. EVERY SINGLE PERSON attending the meeting must register for the meeting. Members pay lower registration fees than nonmembers (this does not include undergraduates who SHOULD NOT BECOME members). Early registration will end March 22nd, 2024 at 11:59 EST. Onsite registration fees are MORE EXPENSIVE.
Membership is NOT the same as registration.
I’m an undergraduate. What should I do?
Undergraduates are welcome at the Annual Meeting. They may register in advance or on site. Early registration ends March 22nd, 2024 at 11:59 EST. Undergraduates pay $45.00 if they register in advance and $80.00 if they register on-site.
I’m not a student or faculty member but I want to attend the entire meeting or I am presenting at the meeting. What should I do?
Email the Executive Officer (Dr. Bernstein,
What if I am a family member wanting only to attend one session?
Family members who wish only to attend a single session at which their family member is presenting may register on-site for a “family member single session pass.” Have them come to the fourth floor exhibit hall during registration and ask for a single session “family” pass and how many passes they need. They’ll make them a pass on the spot and the charge is $20 for a 60 minute pass (less than the regular rate). These are NOT for students co-authoring posters or for faculty or grad students looking to attend a student’s presentation. They are only for family members looking at attend a single session for their child/partner/family member.
What are my chances of being accepted?
The program committee reviews submissions. Each submission is assigned to two reviewers based on the topic area you identify (e.g., stereotyping, behavioral neuroscience). Reviews are blind. The overall rejection rate each year is approximately 15%. The rejection rate is similar across topic areas.
What are the most common reasons submissions are rejected?
Submissions are most often rejected because there is insufficient information or data in the abstract for reviewers to judge the merits of the project. Submitters are allowed to include one table or figure with their submission. A table or figure is often useful to reviewers. Failure to follow instructions is another common reason people are rejected. Please be sure to provide all necessary information with your submission.
When will I find out if my presentation is accepted?
Notifications are sent in January. The first author of each submission will receive an email.
Who should I contact with questions about my submission?
Please contact the 2024 Program Moderator, Eric Wesselmann (
Does MPA offer Continuing Education credits (CEs)?
MPA does not offer CEs at this time.
Questions not yet answered? Email!