2024 MPA Program and Mobile App

The MPA 2024 Mobile App IS HERE!

The MPA Mobile App is here! Click HERE for instructions to download the mobile app and see below for guides for using it.

The MPA 2024 Program IS HERE!

A pdf of the program is available HERE (last updated online on 4/8/24 at 10:00am). This is the ERRATA which shows changes made to the program up until Monday, April 15th. The MPA program is now closed to edits as of March 15th. Any changes should emailed to Michael Bernstein (mjb70@psu.edu) and will be added to the errata document. If you wish to make a change, please be as specific as possible in your email request.

You can find a map of the Palmer House rooms HERE.

You can find instructions for paper talks, posters, and moderators HERE.


NOTE: There is no wifi in the presentation rooms or conference rooms. People staying at the hotel can get wifi in their rooms but there is no wifi provided by the conference (due to the significant costs associated with purchasing wifi from the hotel).