MPA Statement to Support APIDA
The Midwestern Psychological Association Council condemns in the strongest terms possible the recent violence in Atlanta that resulted in eight murders, including six women of Asian descent.
Acts of violence do not occur in isolation. A key route to reducing such violence is to work to raise awareness and take actions that reduce bias and discrimination. The U.S. has witnessed a trend of increased bigotry and violence against people who do not fit a narrowly-defined White identity. Bias and discrimination subvert our nation’s values and integrity. We call on our members to strengthen their efforts to treat all others with respect and fairness, and increase their attention and intervention efforts when others are treated unfairly. It is more important than ever to support students and colleagues who contribute to our science, teaching, and engagement efforts regardless of their race, ethnicity, national identity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, family history, or income status. In light of the recent violence involving victims of Asian descent, we especially affirm our support for our Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) members, colleagues, and larger communities.
Another route to reducing the violence is to increase the availability of psychological treatment, which rests on science that MPA and other psychological organizations have advanced. Violence (toward oneself or toward others) is never a solution to one’s problems. In a time when anxieties are high and many people are troubled, we uphold the many benefits of psychological treatment while also affirming the primary importance of reducing bias and discrimination.
MPA is steadfast in its commitment to foster a sense of belonging among all of its members, as expressed in MPA’s diversity statement. We will continue to provide a conference that celebrates our diverse scholars, bestows travel awards to students who promote diversity, encourages new connections among conference attendees, and highlights new research and practices that can break down barriers to inclusion and address bias, discrimination, and violence.