Exhibitors, Sponsors, & Advertisers

Thinking about exhibiting at the MPA conference FOR THE 2025 conference?  Do you have a graduate program that you would like to talk about? All booths are now booked and we cannot accept any more reservations for 2025.

Want 3500+ people to see your ad?

Want to get your message in front of our 3500+ attendees during and after 2025 conference? Consider placing an ad in our Program book. Please contact Lorraine at Lorraine.grogan@conferencedirect.com for more details.

Interested in Sponsoring MPA?! Interested in being an Exhibitor or Advertising with us!

We are now yet accepting Exhibitor, Advertising, or Sponsorship for 2025! See our 2025 prospectus HERE!

The 3500+ attendees of MPA make it one of the largest regional psychological associations in the country. Members hold positions in universities, colleges, hospitals, clinics, school systems, business and industry, government and private practice. They teach, conduct research in laboratory, field, and industrial settings, do diagnosis, therapy, and counseling, and serve as administrators and consultants. Their interests are among the most diverse in any professional association: from the physiology of vision to social stereotyping, from political psychology to medical psychology, from organizational behavior to children’s language development, from memory to depression, from sex roles to drug addiction. They make professional use of textbooks, films, computers, tests, research apparatus, biofeedback equipment, and other materials relevant to clinical and business practice.

Although we are nominally a regional organization, both our membership and the attendance at our meetings are national. Our Annual Meeting is a major opportunity for psychologists in these many settings to keep in touch with current developments, not only in research, theory, and practice, but also in books, films, tests, research and clinical apparatus, computer software, and other materials needed in their work.

We will warmly welcome your exhibit. Exhibit arrangements are handled by the Convention Manager:

Lorraine Grogan
Phone: 412-398-2182