Call for Nominations for Journal Editor of Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice

The Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy (Division 49) of the American Psychological Association has opened nominations for the Editorship of the Division’s journal, Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice for the term of January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2029.
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that publishes original empirical articles, theoretical analyses, literature reviews, and brief reports dealing with basic and applied topics in the field of group research and practice.
The editors construe group dynamics in the broadest sense as the scientific study of all aspects of groups (see this editorial: The journal publishes work by investigators in fields such as psychology, psychiatry, sociology, education, communication, and business. For more information about types of articles published in the journal, visit the journal web page:
An ideal candidate will appreciate the dual nature of the journal as an outlet for group psychology and group psychotherapy scholarship, have previous experience as an editor or associate editor, have demonstrated evidence of scientific and scholarly excellence in group psychology or group psychotherapy, have a broad interdisciplinary perspective, and demonstrate excellent organization and management skills.
The Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy encourages participation by members of historically underrepresented groups in the publication process and especially welcomes such nominees for editor.
Candidates should be available to start receiving manuscripts as the Incoming Editor on January 1, 2024, to prepare for issues published in 2025. Giorgio A. Tasca, Ph.D. is the incumbent editor, whose term ends on December 31, 2024.
Candidates may be nominated by a peer with the consent of the nominee, and self-nominations are also encouraged.
To nominate a candidate (or yourself), please send the candidate’s name and contact information to Ernest Park at or Giorgio Tasca at All nominees will be asked to submit additional materials that include a cover letter (highlighting scholarly excellence, experience in similar roles, management skills, and vision for the journal), a CV, and names and contact information of 3 referees who can speak to the nominee’s scholarship and skills.
Deadline for accepting nominations is June 30, 2023.